
Redacted torrent
Redacted torrent

redacted torrent

You must not use clients that have been modified in any way. Your client must be found on the Client Whitelist. Reporting incorrect data to the tracker constitutes cheating, whether it is accomplished through the use of a modified "cheat client" or through manipulation of an approved client. Do not report incorrect data to the tracker (i.e., cheating).When in doubt, send a Staff PM asking for more information. Transferring buffer-or increasing your buffer-through unintended uses of the BitTorrent protocol or site features (e.g., request abuse) constitutes ratio manipulation. Unsolicited invite requests, even by private message, are prohibited. You may request invites by messaging users only when they have offered them in the Invites Forum. Invites may be offered, but not requested, in the site's Invites forum (restricted to the Power User class and above). Requesting invites to-or accounts on-Redacted or other trackers is prohibited. Responding to public invite requests is prohibited. Offering an invite in a private message to a person you do not know or trust is considered a giveaway and against the rules. Do not publicly offer invites on IRC channels or other social chat clients. Do not offer invites on public websites or any private sites that exist solely for the purpose of invite giveaways, trading, and/or selling. Only Staff and designated recruiters may publicly offer invites on other private trackers. Do not trade, sell, publicly give away, or publicly offer invites.You will not be punished if your invitees fail to maintain required share ratios, but invitees who break golden rules or invite rules will place your invite privileges and account at risk. Invite friends and family if they wish to use the site. Granting access to your account in any way (e.g., shared login details, external programs) is prohibited. Note, we do not delete accounts.Īccounts are for personal use only. If you no longer wish to use your account, send a Staff PM and request that your account be disabled. Do not trade, sell, give away, or offer accounts.If your account is disabled, contact staff in #red-disabled on IRC. Do not create additional accounts under any circumstance. No bonus points system is implemented, makes it more harder to get good standings there.Users are allowed one account per lifetime.No site-wide freeleech events, but not NEVER (it's just too RARE).Maintain ratio is hard tends to moderate as :.RED staff bans alot so be a good user or you will find yourself out of there very fast.

redacted torrent

Most of the users have seedboxes so the speeds on the tracker are great !.RED arised on Nov.2016 after the closage of the big What.CD and became large and popular very fast.With a wide selection of music stuffs encoded in variety of formats & well-seeded torrents, make RED really a paradise for MusicLovers.Tracker features both lossless and lossy music, beside music it also has a large collection of audio software, music related eBooks, audiobooks, comics and music-related eLearning videos.REDActed (Aka.PassTheHeadPhones) is one of the well-known music trackers running on Gazelle with extremly high demand among torrenters.Recently the tracker has change its URL and now PTH also known like Redacted.ch tracker. In the near future the majority of former members What.cd will flow gradually to PTH tracker with all torrents database. Redacted / / PTH – it is a great new music tracker, which recently started to develop rapidly and filled after closing of the famous What.cd tracker.

Redacted torrent